Our Subscription Boxes

What’s better than Caribou candles?  Getting the latest and greatest delivered directly to your door every single month!  After many requests- we are finally launching subscription boxes.  Every month you’ll receive your choice of either a 5oz candle or 7oz candle, a surprise gift & FREE Shipping! You’ll enjoy our newest scents, limited edition scents, and occasionally an old favorite only available with a subscription box. 

Each box will ship by the 3rd of the month.  Recurring payments will be charged on the 25th of each month. Any order placed after the 20th of the month will be part of the next candle shipment (for example, if you place your order Oct. 22nd your order will ship by  Dec. 3rd.) 

Gift candle pictured is just one example of a surprise gift.  It changes every month.

5oz Subscription Box

5oz. Subscription Box 
 $19.98 per month (+ tax)

7oz Subscription Box

7oz. Subscription Box 
$24.98 per month (+ tax)