Newest Products

7oz. Strength Cotton Wick

7oz. Geranium Cotton Wick

7oz. Vanilla Cotton Wick

Check out our various candle lines.

Wood Wick
Traditional- Cotton wicks

Wood Wick

Indulge your senses as you listen to the soothing sound of a crackling fire.


Treat yourself to multiple scents in one jar.

Cotton Wicks

Our traditional candles made with a cotton wick.

About Us

My name is Melissa and I am the owner of Caribou Candles.

I’m a mom, a wife, a chemistry teacher and an animal lover. At home my husband, son and I have 6 pets. We have 4 cats (Rupert, Willow, Onyx & Remi) and 2 goats (Pancake & Waffles).

I started my journey to healthier candle making when the smoke from the Canadian fires made it difficult to breathe. I realized just how much “stuff” is in the air that we breathe on a daily basis that’s not so good for us (including the beloved candles I’d buy at local stores). Being a chemistry teacher, I am around chemicals ALL day long and I figured it’s about time I eliminate some of that in my life. So, I started my research on which type of wax and scents would be best for the “healthiest” candles.